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Shimano TLD20IIA

Shimano TLD20IIA

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You don't need a big boat to catch big fish. In fact, there's absolutely no reason why you couldn't catch a 250-pound thresher shark from your 20-foot center console boat. Unless you left your TLD at home. If you own a small fishing boat, or you often find yourself elbow-to-elbow with your angling compatriots on the large party boats, you need a reel that's both nimble and versatile. Our TLD reels are light in hand, so easy to shift they're almost mindless, and they're adaptable to any number of bluewater species from tuna to striped marlin. And because they're built by Shimano, durability is an inevitable part of the package. A large, private, ocean-going vessel may be neat, but it's not necessary. Just match the tackle to the situation. And let the fish fall where they may.

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